Digital Trends for Coworking Spaces

Digital Trends for Coworking Spaces

Helga Moreno

Not so long ago, our CEO and co-founder, Igor Dzhebyan, took part in the coworking roundtable online conference. The event was aimed at revealing general tendencies in the current changeable coworking market, identifying major development trends and new objectives. Six speakers working in real estate, flexible offices, property consulting, and coworking community management spheres shared their forecasts, concerns, and insights. Igor elaborated on digital trends for coworking spaces. As the topic is utterly important now, I decided to translate and publish his report on our blog to make it available for more readers. Let's start... The coworking industry is a global phenomenon. Coworking spaces can be found in every country around the globe. The statement can be proved by the geography of andcards customers. Our countries of operation are marked with red color on the world map you see below (from South Korea to Europe and the Americas).


Touchdown Spaces